11 – Forecasting PM10 Concentrations in the Caribbean Islands Using Stochastic Models [Alexis et al (2023)]
The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS), 23th general meeting and biennial conference, 24-25 November 2023, Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Oral Presentation
10 – Characterization of particulate matter in the Caribbean area [Euphrasie-Clotilde et al (2023)]

Euphrasie-Clotilde L., and Plocoste T.Open Days in Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics (JOBIM 2023), 27-30 June 2023, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. Poster and Oral Presentation
9 – Modeling and forecasting particulate matter (PM10) concentrations in the Caribbean area [Alexis et al (2023)]

Esdra A., Plocoste T., and Nuiro S.P.11th French Biennial of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI 2023), 22-26 May 2023, Gosier, Guadeloupe. Poster
8 – Multiscale analysis of PM2.5 – PM10 relationships in the Caribbean area : case study of Puerto-Rico [Plocoste and Sankaran (2022)]
Plocoste T., Sankaran A.7th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM-2022), 29 November – 1 December 2022, Chennai, India. Short paper
7 – PM10 fluctuation modeling in the Caribbean area using the universal multifractals framework [Plocoste et al (2022)]
Plocoste T., Calif R., and Euphrasie-Clotilde L.European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria. Oral presentation
6 – What are sargassum? Origin and impact on the Caribbean basin [Plocoste (2019)]
Plocoste T.Rotary/Rotaract District 7030 conference, 24-27 April 2019, Gosier, Guadeloupe. Oral presentation
5 – Application d’un modèle d’élution de la Chlordécone en Basse-Terre de Guadeloupe en déterminant la lame drainante par une méthode de krigeage [Plocoste et al (2018)]
Plocoste T., Dorville J-F., and Cayol C.Plan Chlordecone 3, Scientific and information symposium on Chlordecone pollution, October 16-18, 2018, Schoelcher, Martinique. Abstract + Poster
4 – Use of modeling tools to predict methane emission from a rehabilitated waste dome in tropical insular climate [Plocoste et al (2016)]
Plocoste T., Jacoby-Koaly S., and Roussas A.The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS), 20th general meeting and biennial conference, 24-26 November 2016, Deshaies, Guadeloupe. Abstract + Poster
3 – Description of the atmospheric circulation in the boundary layer over a tropical island: Case study of Guadeloupe Archipelago [Plocoste et al (2016)]
Plocoste T., Dorville J-F., Jacoby-Koaly S., and Roussas A.European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria. Abstract + Poster
2 – Surface inversion characteristics in the nocturnal boundary layer of Guadeloupe and its impact on air quality [Plocoste et al (2015)]
Plocoste T., Jacoby-Koaly S., Molinié J., and Bade F.23rd International Conference on Modeling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, 1-3 June 2015, València, Spain. Oral presentation